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Our Founding Values

What Drives Us

Who is Enterprise Mobility? Through the voices of our global team members, discover an organization brimming with community, opportunity, innovation and, above all, mobility — in everything we do.


As mobility has evolved, so have we. 60多年前,我们从只有7辆车的车队开始,如今已发展成为包括汽车租赁在内的全球移动解决方案网络, fleet management, flexible vehicle hire, carsharing, vanpooling, car sales, truck rental, vehicle subscription, luxury rental, technology solutions and more.

那么,我们如何实现我们的愿景,成为世界上最好、最值得信赖的移动出行公司呢? By listening to and exceeding customer and employee expectations. By providing a wide variety of transportation solutions. By offering a great place to work and cultivating careers. By working together to reach our fullest potential. 在我们生活和工作的社区中成为负责任的企业公民. 我们基于高质量的客户关系和高水平的客户服务来评估我们的成功. 


We can do great things when we listen to our customers and each other.


杰克·泰勒在1957年创办这家公司时,并没有谈论创立价值观. He and his team just lived them. 但是,在他们与客户以及彼此之间的日常互动中产生的价值观,已经成为企业60多年来成长和成功的基础.  

Jack’s founding philosophy: “Take care of customers and employees first, 其他一切都会随之而来”,这对我们的成功至关重要. 下面列出的创始价值观定期推动我们,并使我们每天都负责.


Our Founding Values

我们每天都在做生意,好像我们的成功取决于我们组织的好名声——因为确实如此. 我们的声誉和我们共同打造的强大品牌是我们最宝贵的资产. In the marketplace and communities we serve, 我们的品牌和员工有能力在每一次与客户的互动中提升我们的声誉. 

As the personal face of our organization in thousands of communities, 本地员工体现了我们对最高道德标准的承诺. We build loyal, 通过公平对待客户和邻居,与他们建立长期的关系, meeting their needs and earning their trust. 这些由个人诚实和正直维系的关系是我们成功的基础. 

我们对每个服务品牌的客户服务都保持着毫不妥协的承诺, from our focus on complete customer satisfaction, 直接将职业发展机会与我们提供的实际服务水平联系起来. Our goal is simple but powerful: to exceed every customer's expectation. 

We work hard to meet goals for growth and success. But we work just as hard to keep the workplace enjoyable. Decades after he stepped down from day-to-day management, our late founder Jack Taylor was still greeting employees with the question, "Are you having fun?“我们以热情、充沛的精力、良好的竞争精神和团队精神而闻名. As we continue to grow, 我们明白,积极向上的员工队伍最能推动我们的集体成功, motivated and highly committed to each other's success.  

学习如何从零开始经营一家成功的企业,并提供高标准的服务,需要每个员工都有深刻的个人承诺. 但企业移动也是一种真正的精英管理,这种承诺会得到个人回报, 为员工提供充足的职业发展机会. 这使得我们的组织非常适合那些有事业心的人, and responsibility for, their goals and aspirations. 

当我们真正倾听客户并了解他们的需求时,我们已经学会了这一点, they lead us to opportunities — from little ways to serve them better, 为我们的业务开辟令人兴奋的增长前景的新业务线. We listen carefully to one another, too. 每天面对面的倾听能让我们更有效地一起工作. At Enterprise Mobility, 我们明白,开放和尊重的思想交流是保持我们高标准的服务和个人成功的关键. 

Our organization has a presence in thousands of communities, 把我们和那些把这些社区称为家的人联系在一起. We purchase large quantities of vehicles, generate tax dollars through sales and employment, 创造有意义的工作,为员工和他们的家庭带来可观的收入和福利,等等. 我们意识到,我们的成功归功于生活在这些社区以及与我们做生意的人们的支持和善意. 这就是为什么无论我们在哪里开展业务,我们都致力于支持有价值的努力, from local neighborhoods to the biggest cities and everywhere in between.  

在服务现有客户和赢得新客户方面,我们接触到各种背景的人, in developing current employees and attracting new talent, 确定和雇用各种各样的供应商和服务提供商. Our commitment to be a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization extends to every employee, customer and business partner. 我们珍视使我们每个人独一无二的许多差异,并且知道这些差异有助于我们取得成功. 简而言之,我们要营造一个对各方都有利的营商环境.

Mobility in the Future

We’re defining it — right now. From new transport technologies to connectivity that brings us all closer, learn what innovation means to us.  


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Vehicle Technology 


Moving Communities Forward

Our communities are everything. 看看我们如何通过企业移动性基金会回馈我们生活和工作的社区.